Facing Challenge

In life we are facing many challenges. But if you are able to minimise stress, you may end up enjoying your life that much more...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Managing Workplace Stress

Hey, it's me back again ....Welcome to my blog!

The 21st Century has been called the age of anxiety. Stress is amont the most common and harmful issues facing people in the working world and the number of people who have succumbed to stress- related diseases are increasing. It is estimate that about 85% of the mental and physical ailments today are related to stress.Studies have shown that reducing workplace stress and managing the cause of job related stress can lead to significant benefits in term of productivity and personal well being of a staff.
At work, our bosses often stretch us to the maximum level until we hardly take a breathe.sigh!...this is what our life will be. Bosses will always set targets for us to complete our work at a shorter time frame.As you all know that stress can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, it can cause significant or persistent unhappiness which may also cause death.

In life, we could see how the behavioral effects of an over-stressed lifestyle which are easy to explain. When under pressure, some people are more likely to drink heavily or smoke, as a way of getting immediate chemical relief from stress. Others may have so much work to do that they do not exercise or eat properly. They may cut down on sleep or may worry so much that they sleep badly. They may get so carried away with work and meeting daily pressure that they do not take time to see the doctor. Hence, it is important for us to understand the causes and recognise the early symptoms of stress in the workplace.Inorder to distress our level of stress, we must be able to assess our own level of workplace stress, identify faulty assumptions and erroneous perceptions held by our colleagues that contribute to stress in the workplace. In addition, we can develop realistic expectations that will also help to cope and reduce workplace stress by managing yourself positively and assertively under any pressure.
For the next blogging, i will be sharing with you what i have learnt about stress management which will benefit us somehow if we know how to handle our stressful life. Err...gotto pen off now. Bye...then!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Hi Welcome to my blog!

In today world, study & keep a job at the same time isn't easy to juggle. I have been through such hassels & difficulty when i did my almost two years doing my dipolma in business. It was a real challenges for me as I learnt how to handle my stress & time management. Luckily, my family was very supportive & encouraging that i could make myself through all my examinations & was graduated in year 2001. With all these support from family & good friends (especially my study peers), I enjoyed my group studies with them & this will naturally somehow drilled my will powers to continue my study & never...never..say"died" hee..heee... We will always help to motivate & encourage each other with sharing of knowledge & study tips that our lecturer gave. Those are the wonderful memories for me that i really missed my school days. Its also build my confidence to do well in my exam so that I will not disappointed my dearest family & friends around me.

How to handle time management as we always find ourselves not enough time to complete our daily tasks such as house chores, to rest & relax , having hobby, building family bonding , studies, etc.. Well, all these come in well if we could learn how to manage our own time & others.
Challenge: Finding time for homework. Balancing the time you need for school with the hours your're paid to work can be tough.